
Perlu diketahui, Semua film di website kami terletak pada server pihak ketiga dan kami sama sekali tidak bekerjasama atau berhubungan dengan pihak ketiga tersebut. Kami hanya menempelkan (embed) link film tersebut di website kami agar bisa di nikmati oleh pengunjung website. Kami menghimbau kepada Anda pemilik hak cipta, jika Anda memiliki masalah hukum terkait hak cipta film silahkan Anda menghubungi pihak pemilik file film atau layanan atau hosting tempat menyimpan file film tersebut.

Please note, all movies on our website are located on third party servers and we are in no way affiliated with or associated with such third parties. We only embed the movie link on our website so that website visitors can enjoy it. We urge you the copyright owner, if you have a legal problem regarding the copyright of the movie, please contact the owner of the movie file or the service or hosting where the movie file is stored.